At the people's livelihood theme press conference, Minister of Education Huai Jinpeng answered and answered the full record
浏览:732 Editor: Xiao Rui Source: Micro educationThe second session of the 14th National People's Congress held a press conference on the theme of people's livelihood on the afternoon of 9,教育部部长怀进鹏、人力资源和社会保障部部长王晓萍、住房和城乡建设部部长倪虹、国家疾病预防控制局局长王贺胜就教育、就业和社会保障、住房、医疗疾控等相关问题回答中外记者提问。
"China Education Television:
今年新质生产力首次写入政府工作报告,加快Develop new quality productive forces迫切需要大批的拔尖创新人才。What measures will the Ministry of Education take to strengthen the cultivation of top-notch innovative talents?”
Minister of Education Huai Jinpeng:
Thank you for your question。新质生产力是习近平总书记站在现代化强国建设全局的高度作出的重大理论创新。习近平总书记系统阐述了新质生产力的科学内涵、现实意义和方法路径,并进一步提出要深化科技体制、教育体制、人才体制改革,打通束缚新质生产力发展的堵点卡点。This year's government work report also made arrangements for accelerating the development of new quality productivity。这就要求我们教育系统在构建人才自主培养体系、深化拔尖创新人才培养方面进行改革和创新。
First of all, I quite agree with your judgment。To accelerate the development of new quality productive forces, there is an urgent need for a large number of top-notch innovative talents。同时我们也都清楚,培育和Develop new quality productive forces,创新是核心要素,基础和先导靠教育,通过教育来培养拔尖创新人才。Develop new quality productive forces,We need top talents in basic disciplines, interdisciplinary disciplines and emerging disciplines that lead to source innovation,It also needs engineering and technical personnel to serve the new industrialization road and artisans and skilled craftsmen from major countries.Need both scientists,We also need first-class scientific and technological leaders and innovation teams,And a large number of young scientific and technological talents,Moreover, a large number of builders and successors who are fully developed and committed to Chinese-style modernization are needed。中国高素质人才队伍是发展的巨大优势,我们常说人尽其才、行行出状元,我们期望构建高质量人才自主培养体系,在实现“人人皆可成才”的现代化教育中,厚植人民幸福之本,夯实国家富强之基。
As you all know,新一轮科技革命和产业变革正在加速演进,拔尖创新人才是促进和提升国家核心竞争能力最重要的战略资源,这是实现高水平科技自立自强的重要支撑。当前,我国高等教育已经进入普及化教育阶段,去年年底毛入学率超过了60%,规模已经居世界第一。应该说,量的短板已经不是矛盾的主要方面,我们正处于人口红利加速转向人才红利高质量发展的关键时期。建成教育强国、建成世界重要人才中心和创新高地,也需要我们在拔尖创新人才上、在人才的自主培养能力上发力,这也是满足Develop new quality productive forces、实现中国式现代化对人才需求的关键一招、破题之举。
如何围绕国家战略需求,结合人才成长规律和教育发展规律,把这个“国之大者”转化为教育的实际行动,确实考验我们的研究和实践能力。I understand,在培养拔尖创新人才中,要从发现、选拔、培养和评价全过程中来理解和推进。In order to achieve the whole process of talent training in different students, we must start from laying a solid foundation。这就要求我们坚持立德树人这一根本任务,夯实基础教育基点,通过在基础教育中推进探究实践的科学教育,把科技工作者、科学家请进校园,培养学生的科学精神,养成良好的科学习惯,掌握科学的方法。At the same time, through practical education and training, to better stimulate the curiosity, imagination and desire to explore。
我们还要加强基础教育阶段与高等教育阶段的有效衔接,进一步构建学段衔接的拔尖创新人才培养机制和培养体系。We will play a leading role in higher education,We carried out trials for comprehensive higher education reform,Combine the trend of scientific and technological development with the needs of social development,To optimize the setting of disciplines,Better deepen the reform of talent training mechanism and promote the optimization of talent evaluation mechanism,Constantly stimulate the potential of talent development and innovation,This is a very important task for us。
In the pilot comprehensive reform of higher education, we will promote the development of classification characteristics of colleges and universities and establish a classification evaluation mechanism。Develop new quality productive forces、实现现代化需要各方面人才,需要各领域拔尖创新人才,所以分类推进高等教育改革是应对高等教育从精英教育走向普及教育的必然要求。我们鼓励高校各展其优势特色,发挥其人才培养的优势,对基础学科、交叉学科和新兴学科,围绕国家经济社会急需的人才,We will strengthen personnel training in basic research, engineering and technology。At the same time, we will train excellent doctors for people's health and strengthen the training of talents in philosophy and social sciences。We will push for betterIntegration of science and education, industry and educationWork together with all parties to promote development。我们将围绕国家重点布局,突出Develop new quality productive forces,建设面向国家和区域发展的人才中心和创新高地,在基础研究、技术创新,特别是技术转移和成果转化等方面,通过多方协作来加大创新人才培养,In the training of talents constantly improve the ability of innovation。我们会加大对高校青年科技人才的支持,在学术生涯起步阶段就开始长周期、高强度、稳定支持,允许试错、宽容失败,让青年人才敢坐冷板凳、敢闯无人区,产生重要的原创性、颠覆性成果。在人才培养上,我们坚守一条,要不断地下硬功夫、笨功夫,不走捷径、不取巧,愿意啃硬骨头,坚持人才长期培养的目标。同时,我们将布局区域技术创新中心,以科技成果转化为牵引,特别提倡“刀在石上磨,人在事上练”,在实战中培养拔尖创新人才。
Talent training is not only the people's livelihood, but also the long-term development of the country and the nation。我们有信心,将会坚定不移地走好拔尖创新人才自主培养之路,让更多拔尖创新人才涌现出来,为培养Develop new quality productive forces、实现中国式现代化提供战略支撑和先导力量。谢谢。
"China Spiritual Civilization Network reporter:
Minister of Education Huai Jinpeng:
Thank you for your question。首先,我向各位媒体记者朋友们报告一组数据和基本情况,中国举办着世界上规模最大的基础教育,到目前为止,全国一共有中小学幼儿园48.790,000 schools, students 2.3亿人,教师1610万人,每个孩子后面都站着好几位家长,可以说基础教育办得好不好,关系着亿万家庭的幸福,这是大民生,所以您直接关注到了教育的重要问题,非常难得。
How is basic education doing in China?我们用了大概20多年的时间,走完了发达国家上百年的义务教育普及之路,在世界9个发展中人口大国中是第一个实现九年义务教育普及的国家。党的十八大以来,我国基础教育取得了历史性成就,发生了历史性变化,基础教育各学段的普及程度已经达到或超过OECD经合组织中高收入国家平均水平,其中学前教育、义务教育达到了高收入国家平均水平。Last November,The 42nd UNESCO General Conference agreed to host the STEM Education Institute in Shanghai, China,STEM stands for science, technology, engineering and math,This is our Chinese people often talk about mathematics, physics, agriculture and medicine,This is the first such institute established by UNESCO outside the developed countries of Europe and the United States,在很大程度上标志着对中国在人才培养、理工农医、STEM教育方面取得成就的认可。
General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that the people's yearning for a better life is our goal。Facing the Chinese-style modernization, China's basic education is entering a new stage of comprehensively improving the quality of education。为满足人民群众日益迫切“上好学”的愿望,今年政府工作报告中提出要实施基础教育扩优提质行动。I understand,The so-called "expanding excellence and improving quality",It is to raise the overall quality of basic education to a higher level,Make the "cake" of quality education resources bigger,To ensure that the fruits of education development and the capacity of talent development across the board benefit more and more equitably to school-age children and adolescents,Truly realize the fundamental change from "having to learn" to "studying to learn"。How to achieve it, I will make a report to you from five aspects。
First, the structural layout should be expanded to improve the quality, that is, to further optimize the school layout。Now and for some time to come,We should adapt to population changes and the new urbanization process,Promote the establishment of a monitoring and reporting mechanism for changes in the school-age population of basic education at county level,Better and more reasonably optimize the rational allocation of urban and rural education resources,We will continue to improve the conditions and capacity of boarding schools in rural areas and weak schools in urban areas,We will set up small schools in rural areas where necessary,We will strengthen the construction of ordinary high schools in counties,Efforts will be made to expand resources for senior high school education,So that more children can go to a "good school" on their doorstep。
Second, the supply of degrees should be expanded to improve quality, that is, to further increase quality degrees。We will continue to improve the conditions and capacity of weak schools in the central and western regions,同时推进“四个一批”:高起点新建一批、优质学校扩招一批、集团化办学提升一批、城乡结对帮扶一批,In this way, to promote the growth of new quality schools,We will improve the quality of poor schools,We will further promote the quality and balanced development of compulsory education and the integration of urban and rural areas,We will accelerate efforts to narrow the gap between urban and rural, regional and inter-school quality,There are more and more "good schools" that strive to be recognized by the public。
The third is to expand the cultivation capacity and improve the quality, which is to further implement the "five education simultaneously".。Our fundamental task is to educate people,It is an important task to build an education system that comprehensively cultivates morality, intelligence, physical fitness, the United States and labor and quality teaching materials,Do a good job in the addition of science education in "double minus",We vigorously launched the reading campaign for young students,Students are guaranteed one hour of physical exercise and sufficient recess activities every day,Pay attention to the cultivation of labor habits,Take practical and effective measures to solve the problems of "little glasses", "little fat" and students' mental health,Accelerate the realization of reducing the burden, improving the quality and increasing the efficiency of the school,Promote students' all-round development and healthy growth。
Fourth, teachers should expand their talents and improve their quality。前一段时间,我们开展了“教育家精神”巡回演讲,广西北海幼儿园的一位老师范徽丽,她是“全国最美教师”,她在谈“教育家精神”理解的时候有一句话,叫“没有爱就没有教育”。To build a high-quality education system, we must rely on a high level of teachers who have a loving temperature。我们会继续加强“国培计划”,加强中小学教师的培养培训,大力实施“国优计划”,通过“双一流”大学来加强中小学教师培养,加大人才培养力度、吸收更多的优秀人才加入到教师队伍中。Continue to consolidate and improve the political, social and professional status of teachers, and attract outstanding talents to teach for a long time。我们要大力弘扬“教育家精神”,引导教师成长为有情怀、有水平、有温度的好老师、大先生,用自己的行为示范做好学生的引路人,让孩子们在学校能够感受到更美好的成长陪伴。教育强国建设,教师队伍是其中必答之题,我们要不断厚植尊师重教的社会文化,让教师潜心教书、静心育人。
Fifth, to expand the quality of cooperative education, that is, to further strengthen the coordination of family, school and community。我们常说家庭是孩子们的第一所学校,社会是孩子成长的大学校、大熔炉,只有家庭、学校和社会形成育人的合力,孩子们才能拥有更好的成长环境。We look forward to working with parents to establish a scientific concept of education and talent, and create a good atmosphere for family education。我们希望与社会合作,把更多优质的社会育人资源提供给孩子,同时让不良信息、不良行为远离未成年人。我们要合理引导学生在社会大课堂中经风雨、见世面、长本事,积极面对现实,让孩子们在全社会共同关心关爱的环境中健康成长、快乐成长。我们需要学校与家庭、与社会来共同守护和关爱我们的未来,共同推进基础教育更高质量的发展。谢谢。
"From Hong Kong Sing Tao Daily:
我们注意到,今年年初中国召开了世界数字教育大会,取得了良好的反响,怀进鹏部长发表了‘数字教育:应用、共享、创新’的主旨演讲,提出了用数字之光开启希望之门的愿景。May I ask what key measures digital education will take in the next step?”
Minister of Education Huai Jinpeng:
Thank you, Hong Kong journalist friend, and thank you for your attention to the World Digital Education Conference。This conference is an important platform for digital education exchanges in the world, and also a stage for cooperation。数字教育属于数字中国建设一个非常重要的组成部分,也是我们开辟教育发展新赛道、塑造教育发展新优势、提供更加优质教育的重要平台。
In recent years,We are making every effort to build a national smart education platform,The national strategy for digitization of education has been promoted for three years,It is hoped that through such efforts,To research, develop and gather high-quality, multi-type, systematic high-quality education resources,Truly build a closed, all-weather, "supermarket" public service platform。
I think you all remember that,During the epidemic,In order to ensure the growth of the children,Enjoy uninterrupted education,We have launched a large-scale online education practice,Truly promote the realization of "suspension of classes without suspension, suspension of classes without stopping teaching",It strongly guarantees the continuity of education under special circumstances and in the world's largest education system,Let children's growth and education not be affected by the epidemic as much as possible。After the outbreak turned,We deeply analyze and study the trends of educational change and evolution in the world,To further improve the quality of education,We specialize in organizing experts from different fields and regions such as science and technology, industry and education,Including education experts, psychological experts,To study and think together in such a large-scale basic education,In the development of vocational education and higher education,How should the National smart Education Platform develop,Better expand the scope of digital application scenarios and services。
I have been working in information technology for a long time and also in the education system for many years。I understand,数字教育不仅是我们的技术平台和工具平台的变化,更重要的是能够让学生们在实践中受益,能够配合和支持教师们更高质量地备课和教师的成长提高。同时,我们期望通过这样的平台,通过大数据的分析,更好了解学生的学习状况、遇到的疑难问题和在家、在校生活当中对学习的感受,这有利于学校提高育人、管理及治理能力。We also expect it to be a platform for global communication。Addressing the digital economy and digital development,Our students need to have both digital literacy and technological literacy, as well as the ability to communicate and cooperate internationally。在这样的努力下,我们看到,优质课堂“时空”交叠处处可见,优质课程跨越山海时时可及,正在变成我们教育的现实。现在中小学的孩子们可以借助这个平台去听专家、院士关于科学课、实验课的内容,以便开拓他们的视野。职业学校的学生们能够随时在虚拟教室完成他的实践操作课程,甚至用远程的仪器设备来辅助学习。Children in the central and western regions can enjoy the Red Mountain Jade Dragon at the National Museum without leaving their homes。“暑期教师研修”专题让身处各地的老师们,能够便捷地开展教研合作,这使得我们对大中小幼提供不同学段的培训成为现实和可能。同时我们还建立老年大学,专门为老年人设置读书版块,让他们的生活更加丰富多彩,这也是我们有力推进终身学习、构建学习型社会的一个重要平台。刚才王部长特别讲大学生就业,通过这个平台我们还提供公共服务,大概每年有1/3的大学生就业是通过这个平台来完成和雇主单位的对接,包括在应聘过程当中的交流和访谈。我们已经把国家智慧教育平台打造成为国家教育的精品资源平台和面向学生、教师提供公共服务的重要平台。
给大家举一个例子,我去年10月去宁夏西海固地区的一所学校,当时他们正在上课,我看到在西海固这所学校的学生们与北京的一所学校“同上一堂课”,一个老师在北京讲,这边的老师作辅导。Everyone attends the same class, studies the same content, and discusses and answers the same questions together。我们推进数字教育,就是期望推动教育均衡和能力提升,通过数字化来改变、改善,提高教育质量,促进教育公平,用一根根网线去消弭数字鸿沟,用一块块屏幕去链接不同的课堂。这对中国这样一个人口众多、发展不平衡的大国来说,要实现教育的高质量发展,发展数字教育就不是我们常说的选修课,而是必修课,它不仅有意义,而且确实有实效。
我们在一起讨论国家智慧教育平台的时候常常讲,建设这个平台,要有一种情怀,要把它建成"Can not be separated from the real ability, the use of good is the hard truth"。所以,我们以“应用为王”来建设这个平台,就是让学生离不开、用得上,让老师离不开、用得上,我们体会这就是最大的民生,是更好的以人民为中心来发展教育。In further promoting the construction of this platform,首先要做强教育资源,扩大教育资源的优质供给,让理工农医、STEM教育、美育教育、劳动教育这些优质课程资源能够为全社会提供。同时,我们做大应用示范,扩大全国应用的覆盖面,让每一个学校、每一个孩子都能有自己个性化的教育平台。This year, we will increase the selection of some places where applications are urgently needed and conditions are available to build demonstration application platforms。同时向中西部、向边远地区加大国家资源整合,支持、指导所在地、所在学校来构建这样的平台,真正让孩子们、让学校有自己的平台、有自己个性化的学习方式,能够更好地因材施教,让学校提高治理能力。
We also need to optimize public service resources, build a learning system, and realize a digital platform for lifelong education。说到这里,今年两会当中还有一个热议的话题,也是这一段时间大家谈得比较多的,就是人工智能与教育。政府工作报告当中提出开展“人工智能+”行动,对我们教育系统来说,人工智能是把“金钥匙”,它不仅影响未来的教育,也影响教育的未来,这里有机遇也有挑战。我认为要想更好地抓住机遇、应对挑战,就必须积极拥抱科技与产业的变革,主动拥抱智能时代。未来,我们将致力于培养一大批具备数字素养的教师,加强我们教师队伍的建设,把人工智能技术深入到澳门永利线上博彩娱乐场和管理全过程、全环节,来研究它的有效性、适应性,让青年一代更加主动地学,让教师更加创造性地教。同时,我们会加强人工智能相关学科专业的高层次人才培养,提升科学研究创新能力,加快平台建设。
Finally, I want to talk to you about the openness of education。中国的教育是开放的,数字教育更是开放的,我们这几年一直在推动教育的高水平对外开放,推动数字教育的合作开放。目前,中国的智慧教育平台已经上线国际版,覆盖多种语言,可以向全世界提供支持和服务。同时,中国的智慧教育平台去年还获得了联合国教科文组织颁发的信息化领域的最高奖,这也表明中国智慧教育平台的有效性和未来发展的重要方向。Many countries have taken the initiative to express their hope to cooperate with China to promote the better development of digital education in their own countries。
next,We will further strengthen international cooperation and exchanges in the field of digital education,Make use of the STEM Education Institute established by UNESCO in China,To promote cooperation between China and the world,在多边平台、双边交流、加强为世界提供人才培养的优质资源等方面作出中国的努力,Give better answers。简要地说,未来的智慧教育平台,第一,就是要进一步加强优质资源的开发利用,我们叫作集成化。Second, seize the space for intelligent development, which we call intelligent。Third, we need to promote internationalization。用简单的术语,叫Integrated、Intelligent、International,简称为“3I”,中文的谐音叫“爱教育”。We hope that through our efforts, we can meet the reform and development of education and realize the support of talent training for Chinese-style modernization。我们更希望这扇大门打开就不断地前行、不断地开放,不断实现更高质量的教育,回馈社会,回馈中国和世界。Thank you for your question。